The Story Behind Ooray Hill Farm’s Waste Free Dish and Laundry Bars
The Story Behind Ooray Hill Farm's
Waste Free Dish and Laundry Bars
Hi, I’m Ineka and I live on Ooray Hill Farm, a 10-acre Byron Hinterland farm specialising in lemon myrtle and Davidson plum. We were lucky enough to land here two years ago which launched us into the world and privilege of working with Australian native foods.
I’m always trying to reduce our packaging consumption. I try to do this slowly week by week so it becomes a habit that i can maintain! I’ll switch up our toilet paper so we aren’t buying it wrapped in plastic and then i’ll get onto that bulk food shop and make sure i refill instead of just buying a brand spanking new bottle off the shelf. It takes a bit of organising and will force at first but once it’s incorporated into my weekly shopping routine it begins to sink into the new normal.
After realising my so called “eco” dishwashing liquid had perfume in it amongst other questionable ingredients i decided to create a dish soap bar which would eliminate plastic packaging, be better for the environment and for our health too. What I’ve always appreciated with these waste-free or low-waste swaps i make is convenience and this was an important element of creating dish soap. Being a family of five, life is deliciously full, however there are a lot of balls in the air, so, i saw dish soap as a really easy swap to make.
Keep dish soap on a soap dish near your sink and when it’s time to do the dishes you can run it under warm water or slice a little bit of soap off and leave it in your sink as you fill. Dish soap can be used with a soap swisher which is a stainless steel cage with a handle which you can swish in the sink. You can also simply lather up your sponge or scourer. Dish soap can also be used as a multipurpose surface cleaner as well as for laundry. We have a laundry stick with essential oils that are great for stain lifting such as lemon and eucalyptus.
As our planting continues on the farm, we’ll grow in the native foods which we offer and incorporate into our products. In the next couple of months we’ll be launching a beautiful body soap collection using pure plant oils and Australian clays. We’ll always include the beautiful scents and powerful qualities of our Australian Native plants such as lemon myrtle, Davidson plum and bush balm mint.
I’d love for you to connect with us on Instagram at “ooray_hill” and let us know how you are finding Ooray Hill Farm soaps!
For more information on Ooray Hill Farm products visit their website