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The Herbal Dispensary at The Wholefood Pantry

The Herbal Dispensary at The Wholefood Pantry

Herbs and plants have been used as the basis of medicinal treatments right throughout human history. These traditional treatments are as relevant to human health and wellbeing today as they ever have been.

Herbal tinctures can be used to treat specific ailments, to provide a boost to general health and wellbeing or to counterbalance dietary deficiencies.

The healing powers of plant based remedies have been passed down through the ages and modern herbalists learn this knowledge in professionally conducted courses from accredited educational institutions. Naturopaths, nutritionists, kinesiologists and homeopaths all use herbs and plants to some extent when treating their patients.

Nowadays, herbal products can be acquired from companies with the highest integrity and finest intentions. These companies understand the benefits to human health of products derived solely from the plant base sources of nature, rather than the industrial laboratories of large pharmaceutical institutions.

As part of our commitment to providing organic, natural products to help improve peoples’ health and well being, The Wholefood Pantry at Palm Beach now has an extensive range of liquid herbs. These products can be blended by our qualified naturopath, into tinctures specifically aimed at giving individual customers the optimal health outcome.

For more information and discuss bookings contact us on (07) 5576 7111