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Fish4Ever – Wild Pacific Pink Salmon 213g

Fish4Ever – Wild Pacific Pink Salmon 213g

Fish4Ever was founded on the idea of bringing organic values to sustainability in fishing. Their approach encompasses “Land, Sea and People”, supporting the best possible fishing practices as well as the local community and workers.

Fish4Ever Ethos


Fish4Ever is the only canned fish brand in the UK which insists on organic land ingredients. Organic farming standards address the issues of intensive farming and the use of harmful chemicals, that not only damage the land but through river systems can result in the pollution of coastal waters.


We choose small boats first, local fishing and good methods. Sustainable choices allow fishing that doesn’t create damage to sea life. All our fish is caught with very selective equipment in precise parts of the sea.


We support local boats fishing carefully, not far from their port of origin, paying and treating their workers well. We prefer small-scale artisan boats and local packing whenever possible and believe in fair pay and workers’ rights.

Fish4Ever Wild Pacific Pink Salmon is never farmed, its from the sustainably managed stock of salmon in Alaska or British Columbia. A variety of different boats and methods are used by this well policed fishery, fishing during the salmon’s return runs to its home rivers in places like Bristol Bay on the Pacific coast. Their red salmon is the famous sockeye which spends longer in fresh waters and feeds heavily on zooplankton cold water shrimps, accounting for its darker hue.

Fish4Ever Wild Pacific Pink Salmon is cooked in its own waters, with the skin and bones left on, and a little salt added, this ensures that our salmon maintains more of its nutritional values.


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